The Elixir Kinesiology Therapeutic Sports Tape Guide - Application Instruction (Arm, Elbow)

Y-shaped strip, 2 x 14 inch (uncut base: 6 inch) – 1 piece

  1. Raise your arm up to 90 degrees from the body and bend the elbow. Attach the uncut base of the tape below the elbow’s protruding part.
  2. Lower the arm down to 70 degrees from the body. Apply the upper end of the tape along the outer line of the triceps.
  3. Raise your arm up to 120 degrees from the body. Attach the lower end of the tape along the inner line of the triceps toward the outer part of the scapula.



The Elixir Kinesiology Therapeutic Sports Tape Guide - Application Instruction (Arm)

– Y-shaped strip, 2 x 12 inch (uncut base: 4 inch) – 1 piece

– I-shaped strip, 2 x 4 inch – 1 piece

  1. Attach the uncut base of the Y-shaped strip to the wrist below the thumb.
  2. Apply the outer end of the Y-shaped strip toward the elbow’s protruding bone.
  3. Apply the inner end of the Y-shaped strip toward the elbow’s protruding bone.
  4. Attach the center of the I-shaped strip to the back of the hand and apply the ends around the wrist.

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